

Accessible Web Design

This site has been developed to ensure its content is available to the widest possible audience, including readers using assistive technology or accessibility features. By adhering to guidelines for accessible web design, Kimberley Ports Authority (KPA) acknowledge the diversity of communication methods, available technologies and abilities of web-users in the community. KPA strives to maintain conformance to W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, available at:

What do those XHTML, CSS and WAI-AA icons in the footer mean?

XHTML and CSS: These icons link to the automated W3C validation service. This means that the code that describes how this Website looks and functions are checked against a validation service to ensure there are no errors. KPA has taken the time to check every page of this Website for code validity, however sometimes invalid codes may occur unexpectedly. If you find any page on this Website that does not validate, please contact us.

WAI-AA WCAG 1.0: This icon shows that KPA has conformed with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints, where possible.

Text size

You can change the text size of this site from within your browser or by using the tools at the top right of this Website, see the magnifying glass.

If you are using Internet Explorer, from the "view" menu select "text size" and choose the most suitable size for you. If you are using a scroll mouse, holding the "ctrl" key and rotating the scroll wheel towards you will increase the text size. Rotating the scroll wheel away from you will decrease the text size.

If you are using Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Opera you can increase the text size by pressing "ctrl" and "+" and decrease your text size by pressing "ctrl" and "-".

Content pages

The content of KPA’s website conforms to Level A of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 except for the following areas:

a) Many text equivalents are not provided for PDF files.

Converting PDF files

The Adobe website provides a service to convert PDF files to HTML via an online form or via email.

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the documents on this site. You can visit the Adobe internet site to download the software. Follow the icon links and instructions at this site on how to download and install the Acrobat software to your system.

Using Acrobat Reader

After installing Acrobat Reader, double-click a PDF file to automatically start Acrobat Reader and view the file. Or you can start Acrobat Reader first, then choose File Open to open and view a PDF file.

If you have difficulty accessing any of the content on this website please contact us.