Customer Service Charter

Customer Service Charter

Our Commitment to Service

KPA is committed to providing reliable, efficient and commercially viable port services and facilities to our customers. When dealing with our customers and the public KPA will:

  • Be respectful and courteous;
  • Provide reliable and consistent services;
  • Give consideration to your concerns and interests, and
  • Ensure that our service meets or exceeds the service standards set out in the Customer Service Charter

Luke Westlake
Chief Executive Officer

Our Service Standards

To achieve effective customer services and communication we will:

  • Treat you with courtesy and consideration.
  • Endeavour to provide accurate information at all times.
  • Deal quickly and competently with your enquiries.
  • Identify ourselves and endeavour to answer the telephone within five rings.
  • Wear name badges so you know who we are.
  • Continuously improve access to our services for people with disabilities.
  • Respond to your telephone calls quickly or return your calls within one (1) working day.
  • Answer your routine letters within fourteen (14) days or acknowledge complex correspondence and notify of an extended response period.
  • Respond promptly to requests for berths or stevedoring services.
  • Render invoices within fourteen (14) days from completion of the service.
  • Pay suppliers in accordance with their terms and conditions.
  • Inform customers of proposed changes in procedures, and fees and charges.
  • Keep customers informed about port developments and projects.
  • Make every effort to minimise disruption to servicing customer vessels and will provide advanced notice to carry out planned work on facilities.

Customer Feedback 

Customer feedback should be directed to the Governance Manager, who will:

  • Send a letter of acknowledgement to the customer to formally acknowledge the feedback.
  • Refer the feedback to the appropriate staff member.
  • Ensure that the actioning officer completes an assessment of the feedback in a timely manner.
  • Respond in writing (if necessary) to any feedback within fourteen (14)  days.
  • Follow up any actions arising out of a feedback with the relevant KPA  division or other agencies/companies; and
  • Implement procedures to address issues raised, if required.