Kimberley Marine Support Base

Kimberley Marine Support Base

On September 7, 2023 the Hon David Michael, Minister for Ports announced the proposed $200 million facility will be funded and constructed by Kimberley Marine Support Base (KMSB) Pty Ltd.

The Kimberley Marine Offloading Facility (KMOF)  along with associated on-shore terminal facilities will be located to the south of the Port of Broome wharf and will provide complimentary facilities for maritime trade and tourism.

KMSB have appointed TAMS as the construction contractor of the 300m long causeway which connects to a 165m x 50m floating wharf platform.

KMSB have obtained a range of approvals including: cultural and heritage, and the EPA determined that the project did not need to be formally assessed under the WA Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Kimberley Ports Authority has worked with KMSB to redirect traffic to Entrance Point recreational area during the construction period and going forward.

KPA is optimistic the project will stimulate development, employment opportunities and provide benefits to both Broome and the region.

For more information please access KMSB’s website.