Port of Broome Projects

Port of Broome Projects
10 Oct 2024

Road Realignment Works

A map will be on display and Fact Sheets available at KPA’s office reception at Lot 549 Port Drive.

Road realignment works within the Port of Broome area commenced in late October 2024.

From early November, Kabbarli Road will be closed and access to Entrance Point will be via a road behind the Sorghum Shed. Signage and traffic management will be put in place to direct traffic.

This will be the permanent change in road access to Entrance Point, with further works to be completed.

The pedestrian crossing at the beginning of Kimberley Ports Authority’s (KPA) current wharf is permanently closed to ensure public safety during construction works and pending changes to the Maritime Security Zone. Walkway access will be temporarily closed during the construction period.

The relocation of the Security Gatehouse and fencing marking the new Maritime Security Zone will be one of the last works to be completed, in early 2026.

The Maritime Security Zone will enable KPA to implement First Point of Entry (FPoE) facilities for cargo inspections to comply with Biosecurity regulations.

The FPoE facility will enable the importation of cargoes such as cement, drill casing and other new cargoes such as containers or construction materials.

In early November, Kimberley Marine Support Base (KMSB) wharf works will commence from the marine side. KMSB have placed signage at Entrance Point, and KPA has released a Local Marine Notices advising on the exclusion zones around the KMSB construction area.

KMSB will commence landside abutment works, in early November, temporary restricted beach access will be imposed for beach users’ safety.

KPA is investigating a long term solution for access to the beach and walkway.


For more information email: info@kimberleyports.wa.gov.au

KPA will release further information on specific dates for works, as the projects progress.