Port of Broome Inductions and Payments

Port of Broome Inductions and Payments

Kimberley Ports Authority (KPA) has introduced online inductions.

Who Is Required to Complete the Online Induction?

KPA employees, port users and contractors working on KPA premises are required to complete an induction prior to accessing the Maritime Security Zone (wharf) or commencing work at/for KPA. Only people with a verified operational requirement and who possess a valid MSIC card are able to access the Maritime Security Zone (wharf) unescorted.

Visitors are excluded from this requirement.

A KPA induction must be completed every two years or if an authorised KPA employee determines you require further training following a breach of KPA’s OHS policy.

A fee of $101.32 must be prepaid to commence the online induction so that a Port Induction Card can be issued.

Replacement Port Induction cards also attract a $101.32 fee.  

To complete the induction, select the Port of Broome Online Induction link below. You will be required to register an account and make payment before completing the induction. For further information on how to register please click here. Please note we accept VISA and Mastercard only.

A copy of the receipt will be emailed to your registered email address. A credit card surcharge may be applied by the Commonwealth Bank.

Online Induction

Online Induction

The induction is a self-paced online learning program and is accessible via any computer that has internet access. For best results you should have an internet connection with NBN, 4G or higher, use a modern browser (Chrome or Edge) and a computer that operates with Windows 10 or a higher version.

This interactive induction takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The induction consists of compulsory questions at the end of each module. You will be required to answer 100% of the questions correctly to successfully complete the induction.

Port of Broome online induction

Issuing Cards

Once the online induction is completedcards are issued by making an appointment on 9194 3100 with the Port of Broome Operations office at 549 Port Drive, Broome. A photograph can be taken at Operations on the day of issue.

  • A valid MSIC (if accessing the Maritime Security Zone) and a copy of your online payment receipt must also be provided to obtain a Port Induction Card.
  • You must carry the card with you at all times while working on port lands or on the wharf.