Navigation Chart Location
Latitude: 17” 58’ South
Longitude: 122” 14’ East
Wharf capacity
The wharf is a steel piled structure with a concrete deck and spring fendering. The outer berth is 331 metres long with maximum displacement of 50,000 tonne. Larger heavier vessels have been berthed with the approval of the Harbour Master.
The two inner berths:
- Berths one to three are 170 metres long with maximum displacement 9,000t, and
- Berth 11 is 96 metres long with maximum displacement 1,500t. From Q2 2025 this berth pocket will be reduced to 65m.
At chart datum (Lowest Astronomical Tide (LOA)) the deck or wharf height is 13.6m from the waterline and 12.2m to the top of the fender system. There is lighting for 24 hour operations.
The maximum size of vessels using the port is determined by the following factors:
- least depth in entrance of the channel is 7.2m at chart datum,
- minimum depth alongside the outer berth is 9.6m at chart datum on Berth 4.
The tidal height is about 9.4m mean high water springs and 6.4m at mean high water neaps.
Port of Broome has one of the largest tidal ranges in the Kimberley and currents up to 4 knots can be expected.
For further information on the Port of Broome wharf and berthing procedures please go to Port Operations.
The Broome Wharf Map supplies information on berth, fuel and water point locations.
Radio Communications
Port of Broome maintains a 24 hour, 7 day watch on VHF Channels 14 and 16.
Laydown area
There is a turnaround and parking area for trucks conducting business at Port of Broome. Terms and conditions apply.
Port of Broome laydown area.

Public car parking facilities are located between Customs House and Port of Pearls House with limited public amenities. The Entrance Point boat ramp area includes two ramps and parking for vehicles with boat trailers.
Permission must be sought prior to using the Slipway or carrying out work in the area. Work permits are issued from the Operations department located at 549 Port Drive.
Please see the Permit to Work System information.