

The following pages provide information on land availability at Port of Broome, environmental systems, current tenders or requests for proposals, employment opportunities, KPA’s customer service obligations and contact details should customers or members of the public wish to contact KPA.

Account Information

To apply to open a 14 day account with KPA, please read the Port Standards and Procedures and complete a Credit Application Form.

Completed forms should be emailed to If you have any queries concerning the credit application form, please call (08) 9194 3100.

The credit application will take five working days to process, and applicants will be notified of acceptance or refusal of credit via email.

Please note, all KPA services provided prior to credit application approval will require advance payment via BPoint or an EFTPOS payment can be made at the Operations office, 549 Port Drive, Broome between 0830-1600 hrs Monday – Friday.

Fees and Charges

The current Schedule of Fees & charges 2024/25 for the Port of Broome can be found here Schedule of Fees & Charges 2024/25


    Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

    Please read the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for Supply of Goods and/or Services to KPA.

      Proposed Event or Activity on Port Lands

      Please note if you wish to carry out an activity on Port lands such as a wedding, photographic shoot or event of any kind, then you are required to submit a completed Proposed Event or Activity Form to KPA and obtain written approval before the event is held. Proposed Event or Activity Forms must be submitted to KPA at least 14 days prior to the proposed event or activity.

      Proposed Event or Activity Form

      Information Statement 

      KPA’s Information Statement provides information about the organisation, documents held in the public library and how to make a Freedom of Information application.

      Public Interest Disclosure

      The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (Act) provides a process for you to raise a concern you may have with the conduct of KPA or a person associated with KPA. The sorts of issues you may wish to raise under the protection which the Act offers include:

      • Improper conduct
      • An offence under State law, including corruption or fraud
      • Administrative matters affecting you, involving a specific risk of injury to public health, prejudice to public safety or the damage to the environment

      Before deciding to pursue a Public Interest Disclosure (PID), you need to carefully consider the procedure and maintain confidentiality. A failure to follow the procedure or retain confidentiality may result in you losing the protection offered under the Act.

      Further details on how to make a disclosure can be found at the website for the Public Sector Commission (PSC).

      If, after carefully considering the information set out in the Act and other information contained on the PSC website, you wish to make a PID complaint then please contact the KPA's PID Officer directly:

      Rosemary Braybrook
      Governance Manager
      (08) 9194 3100