Weather and Tides

Weather and Tides

Cyclone Contingency Procedure

KPA’s Cyclone Contingency Procedure provides guidance on the expected response of KPA staff, and vessel crews in port during the approach and onset of a cyclonic or a severe weather event.

The Cyclone Contingency Procedure is reviewed by the Harbour Master prior to the cyclone season (November to April) each year and updated to reflect changes necessitated by ‘lessons learnt’ from previous cyclone seasons or by changes to the Port’s infrastructure or operational practices.

Port users are invited to raise proposed changes to the procedure with the Harbour Master.


Broome has a tropical climate with hot and humid summers and warm winters. There are two distinct seasons:

  • the ‘wet’ usually from December to March when northwest-southwest winds typically increase in the afternoon (15-20kts) before easing overnight; and
  • the ‘dry’ for the remainder of the year when strong south easterly winds are often experienced in the morning (25-30kts) before easing in the afternoon.

From October to April maximum temperatures average over 33C, while the overnight minimum is typically 26C in the wet/summer months. By contrast winters are mild, in July average maximum and minimum temperatures being 26.9C and 12.0C respectively.

Over 75% of the average annual rainfalls from January to March are associated with thunderstorms and tropical lows or cyclones. These weather systems can produce heavy rain in short periods. The unreliable nature of the occurrence and movement of thunderstorms and tropical systems result in rainfall being highly variable.

Tropical cyclones capable of strong winds, high seas and heavy rain can be experienced during the months from November to April, but are most common in January and February.

Please use the links to the Bureau of Meteorology’s website for the Broome weather forecast and tide information.

Broome Forecast

Tides and Tidal Streams

All four Kimberley Ports experience large tidal variations, and many port operations are scheduled around tide heights/movements. More details around tidal conditions may be found in the specific Port Hand books

Broome experiences a 10 metre range of tide at certain times of the year. Tidal streams are complex and strong in the port area with up to 5 knots experienced in the vicinity of Entrance Point. Visiting vessels are advised to plan their arrival to take into account the capabilities of their vessel and their local knowledge.

Tidal streams on the inner berths at Broome wharf flood (NNE) until approximately 2 hrs before High Water followed by an apparent ebb stream (SSW) flows until Low Water.  Rates at the inner berths can reach 4 knots on spring tides. Skippers should make an assessment of the tidal stream before committing to a manoeuvre.

Tide charts are available at the following links: 

Tide Charts 2024
Tide Charts 2025

Tide Charts 2024
Tide Charts 2025

Tide Charts 2024
Tide Charts 2025

Yampi Sound:
Tide Charts 2024
Tide Charts 2025